Thursday, August 18, 2011

Road Trip

I spent my summer frustrated. 
But then....
My Abuela (Grandma) was hospitalized for heat exhaustion. When she was discharged she was afraid to stay by herself. My mom, who had flown back up from Florida when my abuela was in the hospital, decided it was time to bring her and her best friend, my dog, to Florida. This could have been easy but the thought of my dog be tossed around like a suitcase made all of us nervous. So we decided to drive. From Manhattan, New York to Beverly Hills, Florida. We stopped in Rocky Mount, North Carolina the first night, Savannah, Georgia the second and finally in my parents house in Florida. The house is really in the middle of what feels like nowhere but it was a little more tolerable because my cousin, her husband, her two children and my sister were there.
So here are the photos I took along the way:
I hope you enjoy them.
    We had to wake up every morning at 7 to drive down. The light was beautiful. The humidity was not.
The hotel had a large porch filled with these rocking chairs.
Abuela loved that.

After North Carolina, we stopped in Savannah for the night. We got in around 5 and I was able to meet up with my friend Jake Hamilton. He goes to SCAD and we have been trying to meet up for ages. He always comes into the city and for some reason hanging out never worked out. Finally, in Savannah we were able to. He took me on a tour of the beautiful city and I fell in love. I fell head over heels in love.

 Lovely stranger

7AM Savannah 

Finally, we headed to Florida. It was a good trip I guess. I think I can only handle being in the middle of nowhere for about 5 days. After that I need my city again. The trip did go a little faster with my cousin and my sister there. 

I'm just glad to be home